
Differences Between Bootstrap 3 and 4

Differences Between Bootstrap 3 and…

Bootstrap 4 brought some major changes, adding new components, scrapping others. Here's the difference between Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4.

Folder Preview Ideas using CSS and Javascript

Folder Preview Ideas using CSS…

Some ideas for previewing or just playing with folders on hover. The idea is to show a little animation when hovering a folder icon and reveal some kind of preview for what's inside.

The revert CSS keyword

The revert CSS keyword

The unset CSS keyword is the combination of the initial and inherit keywords. Like these two other CSS-wide keywords, it can be applied to any CSS property, including the CSS shorthand all. This keyword resets…

Bootstrap Dropdown Slidemorph Menu

Bootstrap Dropdown Slidemorph Menu

Bootstrap Dropdown Slidemorph Menu inspired by Youtube context menus within a video player. Transitions between submenus create very neat experience. Also, menu provides information about selected values for each item.

Milligram – A minimalist CSS framework

Milligram – A minimalist CSS…

Milligram provides a minimal setup of styles for a fast and clean starting point. Just it! Only 2kb gzipped! It's not about a UI framework. Specially designed for better performance and higher productivity with fewer…

The 26 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize

The 26 CSS Selectors you…

Ask yourself: do I absolutely need to apply an id to this element in order to target it?

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