

This plugin can be used to prevent unnecessary processeing for content that is hidden or is outside of the browser viewport. It implements a custom appear/disappear events which are fired when an element became visible/invisible in the browser viewport.

Google material design button effect

Google material design button effect

Liveweave Online Code Editors for Front-End Web Development

Liveweave Online Code Editors for Front-End Web Development

Liveweave is another online HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript editor with real-time (live) preview. Liveweave has a built-in context-sensitive code-hinting for HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery and it allows you to download your project as a zip file which is quite handy. With Liveweave, it’s quite easy to add external libraries such as jQuery, AndgularJS, Bootstrap etc. to your projects. It also offers a ruler to help you with your responsive web-design. Liveweave offers a “Team Up” feature which has same features as the JSFiddle collaborative editing.

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