
Posts by Anish (486 Posts)

jQuery Toast Plugin

jQuery Toast Plugin

Toast is a jQuery plugin to show highly customizable notifications to the user.

Scrollbear – Maintain Scroll Position When Images Loaded

Scrollbear – Maintain Scroll Position…

Scrollbear is a tool that maintains the container scroll position when images loaded. When images loaded, the scroll position will jump and cause a unfriendly experience. Scrollbear will trace the container height and maintain the…

mFancyTitle – jQuery Plugin to Animate Your Page Title and Favicon

mFancyTitle – jQuery Plugin to…

mFancyTitle is the jQuery plugin that lets you animate your document  <title>  & favicon easily with style.



Tooltips need to be particularly self-aware, so they don't stick out someplace where they can't be read. Then continue to be smart as the page state changes, like is resized or scrolled. Popper.js looks like…

Modaal – An Accessible Dialog Window Plugin

Modaal – An Accessible Dialog…

Modaal is an accessible dialog window plugin for all humans. This plugin requires jQuery.

Timedropper – jQuery Timepicker Plugin

Timedropper – jQuery Timepicker Plugin

timedropper is a jQuery timepicker plugin. Manage time input fields in a standard form. Focus on the input to open an small interactive timepicker.

LobiList – jQuery Plugin to Create TODO List

LobiList – jQuery Plugin to…

LobiList is jQuery plugin for todo lists. It supports drag & drop of todos, multiple lists with different colors.

10 Ways to Instantly Increase Your jQuery Performance

10 Ways to Instantly Increase…

This article will present ten easy steps that will instantly improve your script's performance. Don't worry; there isn't anything too difficult here. Everyone can apply these methods! When you're finished reading, please let us know…

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