I am a front-end developer, will I soon lose my job?
I am a front-end developer, will I soon lose my job?
A recreation of the on-scroll pixelated image loading effect seen on Felicity Ingram’s website.
Textify.js is a open-source library that allows you to create text animations, and user can modify the animation for themself. check out the documentation for more information. Textify.js is a simple library that works with…
ScrollyVideo.js is a responsive scrollable videos without obscure video encoding requirements. Compatible with React, Svelte, Vue, and plain HTML.
Strapi is an advanced open-source headless CMS to build powerful API's with no effort. It’s 100% JavaScript, fully customizable and developer-first.
Styled-components is CSS-in-JS styling framework in react. There are many advantages of using Styled components so before jumping into it directly let's see some advantages of it .
Muzli instantly delivers cutting-edge design projects and news each time a new tab is open in your browser. Discover the best web design inspiration, best websites, best logos, web trends, best mobiles sites and applications,…
It's too easy to get lost in a deeply nested document, and you end up having to resort to manually collapsing parts of the hierarchy so you can more easily focus on subset of the…
Locomotive Scroll is a simple scroll library that provides smooth scrolling with support for parallax effects, toggling classes, and triggering event listeners when elements are in the viewport.
Moovie.js is a responsive, fully customizable, movie focused HTML5 video player with support for both WebVTT(.vtt) and SubRip(.srt) captions.