TOAST UI Grid is a powerful grid component that allows you to visualize and edit data via its table representation.
- Custom cell formatter & converter
- Various input types (checkbox, radio, select, password, etc)
- Full keyboard navigation (move, select, copy, paste, delete, etc)
- Virtual scrolling (Handling large dataset without performance loses)
- Copy & Paste using clipboard with 3rd party application (Like MS-Excel or Google-spreadsheet)
- Column resize & reorder & show & hide
- Multi column headers
- Inline Editing
- Validation
- Selection
- Pagination
- Picking date
- Sorting
- Merging cell
- Frozen(Pinned) columns
- Relation between each columns
- Binding to remote data
- Summarize all values of each column
- Customizing styles (Three basic themes)
- Representing tree data