CleanMyMac X is all-in-one package to awesomize your Mac. It cleans megatons of junk and makes your computer run faster. Just like it did on day one.
One button is enough
Fixing issues on your Mac may take hours. Or just one click. We went an extra mile to make CleanMyMac X so accessible and informative. It’s here to provide easy solutions: no digging through folders, no long instructions. That’s because cleaning your Mac should be easy. One big button easy.
Smart means safe
The Safety Database that’s built into CleanMyMac X tells junk from important files. It knows the ways of your macOS and never deletes anything without asking. The CleanMyMac X’s smart Assistant will guide you through regular disk cleanups, even showing you what else is there to clean. It’s as if it has a Ph.D. in safe cleaning.
Get more done on a faster Mac
Every time your Mac stalls, you get a full deck of speedup tools to rely upon: freeing up RAM, running maintenance scripts, managing Login Items, Launch Agents, and Hung Applications. These will lessen your system load and tune the Mac for maximum performance. When your machine is productive, you too are productive.
Are there viruses on Mac? Not on yours, if you try Mac cleaning with CleanMyMac X. It fights off malware, adware, ransomware, and all them -wares that are specific to macOS. When an issue is found, the app deletes it right away. We update our malware database regularly and CleanMyMac X’s Protection module always has your back.
Instantly remove your browsing history, along with online & offline activity traces.
Malware removal
Perform an in-depth check-up of your Mac for all kinds of vulnerabilities.